Rules and Info

Loadout Races

This page aims to outline the basics of the loadout races. From tweaks made by the mod to points systems, rules and info on how to join!


The Risk of Resources loadout races are our own custom game mode. A time trial per loadout comparing in game time from player to player. We've created our own api and website as well as mods to allow the events to go smoothly but we've changed some of the base game to allow the races to flourish. Since this is a time trial mode we've changed the rules on death, players no longer restart runs anymore when their health reaches zero but instead we simply add five minutes to their timer and a beautiful retrofitted item, the lazarus wings. In a time trial mode this can definitely mean the difference between winning and losing but still offers a chance of a comeback. Seeding is the biggest thing we've changed, we've created a system that allows players to fairly play against one another. Not only have we seeded the maps and items but the key boxes, recycler rolls, cauldrons in the bazaar, and other mechanics as well. This was a huge challenge but worth it for the competitive integrity. We've also lowered the amount of pillars down to only two required to disrupt the pillar skip equipment meta. We felt most of the wins were predicated on someone finding the right box, so we wanted to change that and add more variety into the games. There are many other small tweaks to the loadout races like time continuing to run in the bazaar, but overall the races tend to lean very vanilla. We hope it brings an exciting new level of competition to risk of rain where before there was none.

House rules

These are additional rules to the Loadout Races that we wanted to put here just for more clarification for those who want it. All racers are aware and agree to these rules before they begin.

No wall/clipping exploits

(!) Clipping out of bounds to gain an advantage in combat/survival/objective (fighting/ charging tp) completion is outlawed. (Clipping through terrain for strictly map traversal is fine).

This one should be pretty obvious to most, using out of bounds mechanics to solve combat creates a pretty poor show. Though conceptually it's interesting and embodies a lot of speedrun tactics so we encourage players to cut corners for speed, showing off a lot of unique movement and pathing.

Mithrix And Ramp Fall Damage

(!) Agree to never intentionally use the ramps to fall damage Mithrix.

This one is very specific but it's a popular tactic for the final boss so we felt it necessary to mention it. To reiterate, the point of these runs is to show a high level mix of macro strategy and micro skill on any given seed and we feel like this takes away from that when it gives players a guaranteed 'way out' of every run. Ultimately, cheese strategies that are uninteresting to watch and take away from the rest of the experience aren't good for the event.

No Lunars, except when getting pearls

(!) You can only pickup a lunar after the teleporter is finished, you can gain no advantage from picking up the item from the moment it is held until it is printed in a cleansing pool. You can not leave the stage with the item. (You will have to remove the item at the beginning of the next stage or forfeit.)

We want players to figure out the path to winning a run without using lunars, this creates more interesting gameplay to watch! Players as good as ours will know how to bypass a lot of the negative effects of lunars which in turn means playing less around the regular items and strategy we want to see from our events.


A variety of points systems are used depending on the event being ran. A player cannot get bonus points if they die on their run.


Typically used for 4 player races

Each player gets points assigned to them based on their position, first gets the most with last place getting nothing. For example in a 4 player race: - 1st place: 3pts, - 2nd place: 2pts, - 3rd place: 1pt, - 4th place: 0 pts. Then first place is awarded bonus points for being faster than second, - 1 for being more than 5 mins faster. - 2 for being more than 10 mins faster.

Basic Capped 1

Typically used for 3 player races

Each player gets points assigned to them based on their position, first gets the most with last place getting nothing. For example in a 3 player race: - 1st place: 2pts, - 2nd place: 1pt, - 3rd place: 0pts. Then first place is awarded bonus points for being faster than second: - 1 for being more than 5 mins faster.

Basic Capped 0

Typically used for 2 player races

Each player gets points assigned to them based on their position, first gets the most with last place getting nothing. For example in a 2 player race: - 1st place: 1pt, - 2nd place: 0pts.

Extended7 Capped 1

Experimental 7 minute increment system

Each player gets points assigned to them based on their position, first gets the most with last place getting nothing. For example in a 2 player race: - 1st place: 1pt, - 2nd place: 0pts. Then first place is awarded bonus points for being faster than second: - 1 for being more than 7 mins faster.


Risk of Resources is a community driven project with many faces and goals, one of those being community games in the form of Loadout Races - our spin on esports in the risk of rain space. We develop our own mods, website, and other features for these events in-house and we're always looking for new ways to innovate and improve upon them. The team has purposely kept things relatively small scale while we continue to test and iterate on these new features and events, so the whole project will remain invite-only based on team reviewed applications. Occasionally we do add new players to the events race roster, we are constantly on the lookout for new players to keep things fresh and competitive. Our criteria for racing applicants is careful and selective because of how those involved will represent the project, but here are a few things we think about when considering an application: - Is this player undoubtedly good enough to be competitive within the current roster of players? Will they contribute to an interesting event? - Is this a personality we could have on stream to portray the project and the community well? Could they assimilate with the team without issue? If you believe you fit within our standards then we'd love it if you sent an application our way! We're looking for vods of streams (twitch and youtube only) where you display you can compete, without these consider your resume empty! Don't be disheartened if you aren't selected, there's a lot of moving wheels to this project.